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Giving Space to My Inner Guide

My Lane

This is my lane, it's about my human experience and the journey of spiritual and personal growth that I'm on.  Writing is often what I use to process what I'm going through and what I've learned.  My goal is for the experiences and lessons I've learned to resonate and help other people in their own journey. 

Giving Space to My Inner Guide

Jessica Weir

Social media is taking up too much space in my life. It’s a complete time suck. I use it to avoid all sorts of things. Awkward scene on tv- check Instagram, not sure how to start the day- Instagram, not yet processing tough emotions- Instagram, not sure what the next step is-avoid by using Instagram, etc... Going to open the app is mindless, automatic. I’ll sometimes ask myself, what am I looking for by opening this? Am I looking for connection, inspiration, answers, knowledge, comparison? Sometimes it’s nice and feels good. To see when people are doing well, being good to each other, creating art, or adorable animals. But social media as a mechanism for scrolling is incredibly moody. Who knows what’s coming next, could be cute, could be heartbreaking. It’s hard to regulate what you are exposed to. Sure, you can curate the profiles you follow but not really. They don’t want you to be able to do that. It’s not paranoia, just business. They want to keep you on there, seeing the ads, engaging with content, giving them more and more information about you to tailor ad content. And there have been studies showing the addictive effect it has on the brain, seeking dopamine.

I’ve tried several ways to limit my usage and take care or myself. I rarely go on Facebook. I don’t even have a Tik Tok account. Twitter or now X was confusing when it came out and I never got into it thankfully. Threads is full of unsolicited content and it’s a bit confusing. For Instagram, I’ve logged out, set time limits, deleted the app off my phone for weeks at a time. But sometimes still checking in through my web browser.

When I do end up on there, despite my best efforts, I’ll have to push myself off. But in the past few days, it really feels like I want to step out of avoidance and be present to life. To work through some of the things I’ve been avoiding. Because life doesn’t change unless we actually do something to change it.

In a recent yoga class, the instructor was talking about connecting to that divine part of yourself, the wise and unchanging part that’s at the center of you. It has always been there. It was with you as a child, it will be there in old age and beyond. If you’re able to connect to that inner higher self, it can be a guide.

I realized today that my inner guide needs my help. I need to give it space, mental and emotional space so that I can hear it. The clarity of its voice and message gets muted and blurred when there is so much distraction. In using social media to avoid parts of my experience I’ve also avoided the wisdom within me. To put my hand on my heart and tune into that divine part of me.

It’s important for me to be grounded and clear so that I can chart my own path. I want to communicate well with my clients and loved ones and express myself in creative ways. Maybe I will use social media but very carefully. I like creating content and sharing my thoughts, but it can feel like a chore. I’m working to connect more with people in person. That’s what taking better care of myself means for me right now. Can you relate? What has been your experience?