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23235 Burbank Blvd
Woodland Hills, CA, 91367

Be an empowered introvert, not a failed extrovert

My Lane

This is my lane, it's about my human experience and the journey of spiritual and personal growth that I'm on.  Writing is often what I use to process what I'm going through and what I've learned.  My goal is for the experiences and lessons I've learned to resonate and help other people in their own journey. 

Be an empowered introvert, not a failed extrovert

Jessica Weir

The goal of my work is to empower quiet people to feel more comfortable socializing. Being quiet, shy or introverted doesn't mean you have to feel disconnected or lonely. It does mean that you have to approach socializing differently than suggested by our predominantly extroverted society. Going to the loud bar, if that was even possible now, isn’t likely to be comfortable for introverts. So rather than fail at something that doesn’t feel good or suit who you are anyway, let’s figure out how to feel empowered to do things the way that you feel good about.

Empowerment also means that you have to become aware of your own behavior and be willing to take a close look at the choices you've been making. Because when you grow and realize you have power, you also see that you have a lot of choices. And all of your choices are yours to make, not those of anyone or anything else. They are influenced by our responsibilities but we can learn to creatively meet our needs for connection and fun.
It might feel easier to think that you just won't get it right because you're too quiet, too introverted, etc... That it’s other people that are the problem. That you’re really just a victim of this extroverted society. Or the area you live in, the job you have, etc… It’s okay to have felt like this is in the past but once you realize you have more power, it doesn’t work anymore. And thankfully so.

We have the power of perception and choice. We can choose how we see ourselves and our place in the world. What would happen if you saw yourself as someone who wasn’t simply a failed extrovert, but an empowered introvert? Getting your needs met, setting boundaries, interacting with people more comfortably, and connecting with others in a deeper and more meaningful way. Living life on your terms, not according to what you think is expected of you.

With empowerment, what is possible expands. So the choices you make are up to you. Which can seem daunting, because you can't just rest on what has been up to this point, or what’s expected of you. But it’s also amazing because all your choices are up to you.

It takes time and effort to feel empowered. It’s really a process of unraveling old beliefs and then compassionately trying on new ones. And once you get to a certain place of growth and healing there’s always more to unravel, to learn to grow. That’s the beauty of being human.

I’m here to help you on your journey of healing and empowerment. The choice is yours.